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Very well said, Lissa. This was very enlightening to me in that it put together many thoughts I've had about what you discuss into a concise and easy to understand framework.

By the way, I'm a UNC MBA grad, but I did do a lecture at the Duke business school when I was slumming :-) And a black friend here in Raleigh once told me that North Carolina is the most progressive regressive state in the union. Our current Republican legislature is being successful being more like the latter these days.

Both my wife, Aura, and I have had the original two vaccinations as well as three boosters. We developed some body pains that lasted a while, and my tinnitus got bad for which the CDC contacted me because I put in a VAERS. We did get Covid on a trip to Sweden in 2022. Fortunately, our physician sent us with Paxlovid. We started taking it almost immediately and felt better the next day. We got it again in Chicago in May and used Paxlovid again to great effect. Our doctor said we won't need a booster again until October or so. So despite all the vaccinations and getting Covid twice, we're still alive and kicking. We are grateful to science for this. I'll hit 80 at the end of July, and Aura is 71. With gratitude, John Maas

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