You know what's nuts about this? I shared this link on Facebook and got about 50 scammers offering to get me my money back in the comments! I had to ban and delete all of them so my readers don't get scammed! Nuts.

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Thanks for the link. So glad you didn’t get scammed either! ❤️

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FWIW: I'm a podcaster, and I never charge guests, but it's becoming more and more common to charge. I don't like it. I think it's a crappy way to work, and it muddies the waters for this very reason. That said, it's unfortunately not accurate to say that legit podcasts don't ever charge anymore.

Either way, I'm glad you weren't taken in by this scammer!

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A figure i followed on Facebook fell for this or a similar scam, her FB page was stolen during a pre-meeting for a supposed podcast. She battled for months to regain access to her own page, while the scammers abused it to post utter drivel in her name. Well done on avoiding being victimised in the same way.

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Grateful for this reveal. Thank you, Lissa.

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Thank you so much for this very practical information. Glad that you can recognize your spiky senses and that you are so informed. Thanks again for passing this info on.

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So glad your spidey senses were working overtime on this one! I heard about this same scam over on threads too.

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