In the not-New Age world, where there are thousands and thousands and thousands of legitimate, grounded teachers, who have been practicing decade after decade after decade, like Sylvia Boorstein, Jack Kornfield and Joseph Goldstein who have been dharma teachers for 50 years, Judith Lassiter Hansen, Rodney Yee, Patricia Walden, yoga teachers who studied under BKS Iyengar, the internet ABOUNDS WITH FREE TEACHINGS…

The REAL stuff. Not New Age Cheetos. There are absolutely money-grubbing meshuggeneh-messiahs out there, though personally, I have steered clear bc I knew early on that a quick fix, is no different than any other fix. If spiritual change could be guaranteed from calling a 1-800 number, much of the world be awake. However anyone who is willing to put in the time and go through the pain of facing the paper tigers of our inner landscapes knows, this is a long, slow ride: use DISCERNMENT and if it sounds too good to be true…

I don’t even need to finish the sentence,

Because WE ALL KNOW its ending.

Choose wisdom…

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Choose LOVE. And that can't be bought at a "healer's hands".

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