I limited access to comments to those with paid subscriptions, just because I've found that even the most devoted trolls won't pay $5/month to attack you. But that means a bunch of unpaid subscribers are sending me comments via personal email! With consent from Duffy Brook, I asked if I could share this one, since it was addressed to those of you reading this:

To the one(s) reading this… I support you with all my heart and soul.

We are experiencing a re-wounding that cuts to the core of who we think we are as a person and a collective.

Lissa is a herald. A spearhead. A lighthouse keeper.

The storm is brewing, and it’s a big one.

It’s time to flock. To gather together in spirit, if not in form, to not get swept up in the flood of injustice if only to be present when the waters recede, and it’s time to repair once again the damage wrought by our shadow selves. Our human counterparts who have broken with nature to live out their fever dream of control.

Thank you, whoever you are, for doing your part to stay the moral/ethical course.



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Such a large swath of the country carry and live within generations of trauma with no awareness of it at all. They operate out of their disowned shadow. My mother was a psychopathic, narcissistic alcoholic. My stepfather was narcissistic and vulgar. I am the only one in the family who has done inner work. I am triggered every time I hear trump's voice.

My point is that , my 1/2 sister became an evangelical and loves trump...from her shadow self, he feels familiar and safe.

Because , in many cases the trump voters were drawn to him for unconscious reasons....others were riled up into a frenzy because they are angry and believe they are being replaces by immigrants and people of color. And others were completely uninformed.

As far as reasoning with someone who is not concise of their shadow...it doesn't work.

May we all find refuge in the ground of our discernment and choosing truth and our own sacredness.

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I'm so sorry for what you went through. I agree with everything you're saying and have a lot of empathy for those who picked Trump for unconscious reasons, not understanding he will definitely not have their backs, unless they're criminals he'll pardon or celebrity billionaires he'll make richer.

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100% this. As a Trauma and Attachment Therapist and the daughter of a Psychopath (Dad); yes. This.

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