I'm in the middle of my own busyness, but Lissa, I stopped and read this as I used to follow Charles as well, and have been mightily distressed by his veering into the conspiracies and Kennedy, etc. All I can say clearly to this is thank you. Thank you for your clarity, for taking time to be so thorough and thoughtful. I send writing students your way, so follow where you are headed and I appreciate you.

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Thank you for pushing, Lissa. And for your compassionate explanation of conflict-avoidant parts - it explains a lot about conversations I find myself in, and try to get out of.

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I still appreciate this from Eckhart Tolle that he said at the beginning of the pandemic:

“When you are faced with challenge—you will not immediately react, there will be an ability to face someone/something, to give it attention, this is an aspect of awareness. Or even give attention to an arising thought—

Why are people so insane they don’t get vaccinated?

Why are people so insane to take the vaccines?

Instead of identifying with one or the other you can hold two seemingly conflicting thoughts.

Otherwise whoever holds an opposing thought becomes your enemy.

To hold the paradox is the sign of wisdom.

The ability to decide for yourself is there. ✨🌟💖🙏

I looked at the situation, I gave it attention, including some information, what are the risks, very quietly you look at it. Finally I decided to get the vaccine. 2 of them, now they’re talking about a 3rd, I don’t know about that yet. I will look at it, and a decision will arise.

Some people have become contaminated by fear. Once fear has taken a hold of you, you lose awareness.

Without the underlying awareness you are at the mercy of toxic thoughts that act in your mind the same way that a virus acts in your body.”

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🙏 Thanks so very much 🙏 Clear and Kind.

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